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목록PSYCH 101 (10)
Schedules of reinforcement Another important component of operant conditioning is the notion of schedules of reinforcement. How often and when a behavior is reinforced can greatly affect the strength of the behavior and the rate of response. Positive and negative reinforcement can be used, and the goal is always to strenghten behavior and increase the chances of it happening again. Schedules of ..
The Unfortunate legacy of the Skinner Box In 1943, Skinner's pregnant wife asked him to build a safer baby crib for thier child. Always the inventor, Skinner created a heated crib that was enclosed with a plexiglass window and called it the Baby Tender. Skinner sent an article to Ladies' Home Journal, and they printed the story as "Baby in a Box." With the legacy of Skinner's work in operant con..
[Experiment] The Skinner Box and operant conditioning 1. To conduct the experiment, begin by placing a hungry rat inside of the box. Every time the rat presses a lever inside the box, it will receive a pellet of food. The rat will soon come to learn that by pressing the lever, it will get food (a positive condition), and thus a behavior is strengthened by positive reinforcement. 2. Next, place a..
Operant conditioning and the Skinner Box B. F. Skinner's most important work was the concept of operant conditioning. Essentially, operant conditioning is when someone learns a behavior as the result of the rewards and punishments associated with that behavior. Operant conditioning can be broken down into four types: 1. Positive Reinforment: This is when a behavior is strenghened and the probabi..
B. F. Skinner(1904-1990) It's all about the consequences Burrhus Frederic Skinner was born on March 20th, 1904, in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. The son of a lawyer and housewife, Skinner had a warm and stabl childhood, and was left with plenty of time for creativity and invention-two traits that would serve him well throughout his career. Having graduated from Hamilton College in 1926, Skinner ori..
Pavlov's dogs experimental progression 1. The test subjects in this conditioned response experiment are laboratory dogs. 2. First, an unconditioned stimulus must be chosen. In this experiemtn the unconditioned stimulus is food, which will evoke a natural and automatic response: salivation. For a neutral stimulus, the experiment utilizeds the sound of a metronme. 3. Observing the subjects prior t..
Dr. Ivan Pavlov was able to establish these ideas by observing the irregular secretions of nonanesthetized dogs. Pavlov initially began studying digestion in dogs by measuring the amount of saliva that the animals had when both edible and nonedible items were introduced. Eventually, he began to notice that the dogs would begin salivating every time an assistant entered the room. Believing that t..
Classical conditioning - Learning by association Classical conditioning was Ivan Pavlov's most famous and influential work, and it laid much of the groundwork of behavioral psychology. In essence, the idea of classical conditioning is simply learning something by association. Pavlov identified four basic principles: 1. The Unconditioned Stimulus: A stimuls is any act, influence, or agent that cr..
Ivan Pavlov is the man who studied man's best friend Ivan Pavlov was born in Ryazan, Russia, on September 14th, 1849. The son of the village priest, Pavlov originally studied theology until 1870, when he abandoned his religious studies and attended the University of St. Petersburg to study physiology and chemistry. From 1884 to 1886, Pavlov studied under renowned cardiovascular physiologist Carl..
What is psychology? psyche-The Greek word for "spirit, soul, and breath" logia-The Greek word for for "the study of something" Psychology is the study of mental and behavioral processes. Essentially, those who work in the field of psychology try to give meaning to the questions, "What makes you tick?" and "How do you see the world?" These very simple ideas encompass many different and complicate..